Accepting deliveries

Prior to accepting deliveries please read below

Prior to signing for collection or delivery:
It is the responsibility of the customer to inspect all items prior to signing for collection or delivery.
Before signing for collection or delivery, the customer must make sure that the items collected or delivered are as described.
If item(s) are delivered by parcel, by van or on pallets, prior to signing and accepting the delivery the customer must make sure:
- That there is no visible damage to the packaging and/or the items.
- The number of packages/pallets signed for are the number delivered.
If the customer has signed for collection or delivery without identifying that there is damage to the packaging and/or the items, or a number of packages/pallets are missing, no refund or replacement can be issued at a later stage.
Minor damage to packaging or pallets: If there is minor damage to the packaging/pallet(s) and the item(s) seem undamaged, the customer has 2 options:
- a) If the driver is not prepared to wait, the customer can accept delivery after taking photos of the packaging/pallet(s) identifying the damage and declaring on the delivery note that the packaging/pallet(s) is damaged, and the content(s) were not inspected. If, after unpacking, the content(s) are found to be damaged take photos and notify YPF immediately.
- b) If the driver is prepared to wait until the customer has inspected the content(s), the customer can accept delivery after taking photos of the packaging/ pallets prior to unpacking, and proceed to inspect the content for damage.
If, after unpacking, the content(s) are found to be damaged take photos and notify YPF immediately prior to the driver leaving. ·
Serious damage to packaging or pallets: If the goods, the packaging, or the pallets are seriously damaged, please do not accept delivery. Notify the driver and write on the delivery note that delivery was refused due to the goods, the packaging or the pallets being damaged, take photos and notify YPF immediately. 